2021 Alumni Notes 2007-08
Jenna Maskell Berke
I am currently living in Burbank, California, with my husband, Mike, and our two-and-a-half-year-old son, Tyler. I’ve been working at Kaiser Permanente for the past five years. I’m currently a lead consultant on Kaiser’s largest funded membership program. Due to COVID, my husband and I have been working from home and enjoying time with Tyler. It’s been fun to watch him grow and see his personality develop. Our parents live close by so luckily they’re helping us and Tyler loves grandparent’s daycare. We look forward to traveling again in the near future.
Sean Silva
I continue to manage the health & group benefits consulting practice in the west region as a principal of Milliman. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many of our clients have acclimated to meeting virtually (though with many technical difficulties at times), so I went from flying a couple of times per week for meetings to not flying in almost a year. It will be interesting to see how that changes once things return to “normal” again.
Our three boys are growing very fast, now aged six, four and two. Nolan, our oldest, has had to navigate first grade in a distance learning environment, and his two younger brothers Maverick and Rhylan both attend preschool. We have spent some time skiing in Tahoe this winter, and are hopeful we will be able to travel to more places as the year progresses. We did spend a few days in Pismo Beach in late 2020 and had a blast.
Matthew Bowyer
For the ups and downs that were 2020, in the end it turned out to be a pretty good year. After over ten years I have closed the door to my first professional job and joined LiveRamp. The company is about ten times larger but has fewer Cal Poly alumni - something I may look to correct in my role as global head of Measurement Services. It’s an exciting challenge where we are building up a services group from scratch. It’s got a startup feel in a larger organization. Between jobs I was fortunate to be able to spend time with my three-year-old son Zachary. Both sets of his grandparents are now local as well, so Zac has his hands full keeping us all entertained. Since my last update I also made my way down to Cal Poly to fill in as keynote speaker for the Marketing Career Conference 2019. It was quite a trip being back in a professional capacity. I was able to make it to Firestone twice — only partly to make my alumni coworkers jealous (looking at you Joel Vazquez, Rachel Free and Mitch Sanregret!).
Kendall Roberg
In 2019, I quit my job as an AP statistics teacher and bought a coffee farm in Hawaii. I now farm Kona coffee and work on a dive boat. My wife Shelley and I have two children and enjoy spending time at the beach and living a quiet country life. Pigs are a problem, but life is pretty good.
Anna Weldon Little
We had another baby girl in May of last year. Her name is Chloe, and she has been the light of our lives in this crazy time. Life is very busy with me back to work (still at SAP although I have transitioned to a new role as sr. data scientist supporting Global Marketing Analytics and Insights) and juggling two kids. Olivia is three now and Chloe is eight months.
My husband, John, and I will celebrate our five-year anniversary this June, and we were hoping to return to Hawaii where we went on our honeymoon; fingers crossed that can still happen. He travels a lot for work, so some nights I reflect on the crazy day of meetings, potty training, endless messes, fire drills, etc. and think — okay, now I really can do anything!
With all the extra time we’ve spent at home I got into vermicomposting (composting with worms), which sounds weird and yes, I think about Dumb and Dumber all of the time. That has been really fun, and I’m looking forward to having a great garden this summer. I also grow my own alfalfa sprouts and that’s been very fun to do with Olivia and also rewarding in that I’m teaching her important lessons in sustainability and healthy living.