Website Update

Stat Club

Stat Club is the social/activity club for Statistics majors, minors, and enthusiasts (but you probably already guessed that). Stat Club offers research and internship panels, Q&A sessions with professors and statistics alumni, technical workshops, fun social events, and more. You can contact the Stat Club at, join our Slack page, or find us on FacebookInstagram, Discord, and Twitter.

STAT Buddy Program

The STAT Buddy Program pairs underclassmen and transfers with upperclassmen. The goal of this program is to build friendships within the department and help provide underclassmen and new statistics students with advice and mentorship. It is not a big time commitment, so we highly encourage everyone to sign up!

If you are interested in becoming a little or big buddy, stay tuned for our meetings and announcements in Fall quarter where we will kick off the STAT Buddy Program for the 2024-25 school year! And if you are transferring into statistics in the middle of the year or want to join the STAT Buddy Program in the middle of the year after the initial pairings have been made in the Fall, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Kaatje Matthews ( and she will get you sorted!

Need a statistics tutor?

The STAT Club maintains and periodically updates their list of students who are available for your statistics course tutoring needs. This list is not maintained by the Statistics Department.

2024-2025 STAT Club Officers

  • Co-President: Ruben Jimenez
  • Co-President: Kaatje Matthews
  • Secretary: Alie Hall
  • Treasurer: Visruth Kandali
  • COSAM Council Representative/Open House Coordinator: Chris Lui
  • Events Coordinator: Emi Degembe

2023-2024 STAT Club Officers

  • Co-President: Lana Huynh
  • Co-President: Rachel Roggenkemper
  • Treasurer: Ruben Jimenez
  • Secretary: Brandon Kim
  • Open House Coordinator: Sean Leader
  • COSAM Council Representative/Stat Club Liaison: Kaatje Matthews
  • Events Coordinator: Kirina Sirohi

STAT Club Faculty Advisors

  • Dr. Samuel Frame
  • Dr. Jeff Sklar





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