Website Update

Statistical Consulting Service

The mission of our statistical consulting service is to provide high quality, no fee, consulting and collaboration services to support and improve research infrastructure, enabling and accelerating quantitative research among students, faculty, and staff at Cal Poly. Our consultants can provide advice about:

  • Study design
  • Data collection
  • Data management
  • Statistical software
  • Statistical techniques
  • Data summary
  • Presentation of study results

Our consultants are also available to serve as guest speakers to present information about any relevant statistical issues to faculty groups, administrators, and classes of students.

To make an appointment with a consultant, please send an email to with the following information:

  • Your name
  • Your association with Cal Poly, i.e. undergraduate student, graduate student, faculty, or staff
  • Your Department/Area/Group affiliation
  • Your reason for requesting service
  • A brief description of your project and research questions if applicable

The faculty consultants for Summer 2024 are John Walker and Steve Rein.

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