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Statistics Major Information

Major Advising

Please consult the Statistics Department Advising Canvas site.

Catalog Description

Click here for program learning objectives and major requirements for the Statistics degree.

Curriculum sheet

A curriculum sheet lists the major, support, general education and elective courses required to earn your statistics degree. You can use this in conjunction with your Degree Progress Report on the Cal Poly Portal to keep track of your degree requirements. You are entitled to graduate on any version of the catalog requirements starting from the "active" catalog when you became a Statistics major.


A flowchart gives you an idea of what courses to take on a quarter-by-quarter basis. The flowchart presents one possible path to a Statistics degree; others would be equally valid. You should talk to your major advisor regularly to select courses. See the Statistics Department Advising page for a list of department major advisors.

If you are on an earlier catalog, click here to locate your curriculum sheet and flowchart.

Senior Project Requirement

The Cal Poly Senior Project Requirement is satisfied with the required course STAT 466: Senior Project - Statistical Consulting. Students who wish to engage in an additional faculty supervised project are welcome to do so for STAT 400 credit.

Change of Major

Students interested in changing their major to statistics should visit the CSM Changing Your Major website. The website provides instructions on the requirements and steps for changing majors including instructions to initiate the process by completing a Change of Major Eligibility form using the Cal Poly Portal. 

We strongly encourage students to complete at least one statistics course before requesting a change of major. In addition, students are not permitted to change majors during their first quarter at Cal Poly. 

Once a Change of Major Eligibility form is submitted, if the department chair determines that a major change is both appropriate and feasible, the chair will work with each individual student to determine an appropriate set of course and GPA requirements. 

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