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Statistics Department Advising

All Statistics majors are assigned a faculty advisor.  Major advisors can assist students with course selection, answer department policy questions, and connect students with on-campus resources.

If you are currently a Statistics major and you're not sure who your advisor is, contact the lead advisor, Dr. Matt Carlton.

If you are considering switching into Statistics, the major-change process begins with the department chair.  The department chair will assign you a faculty advisor. 

Students interested in the Statistics minor should contact Dr. Samuel Frame or Heather Smith.

Mustang Success Center

The Mustang Success Center serves as a first year advising center for freshmen of all majors. They can assist students with campus policies and forms, block scheduling questions, registration issues, the degree planner and more.

College of Science and Mathematics Advising

Located in Science North (Bldg 53), Room 211, the College of Science and Mathematics Advising Center can assist undergraduate statsitics students from their 2nd year on with campus policies and forms, academic probation issues, change in major, class scheduling, and career advice. Additionally, they can assist you with understanding your transfer credit (i.e. getting Cal Poly credit for community college classes), how to interpret your Degree Progress Report, and review with you the detailed logistics of graduation.

Job & Career Advising

Career Services can help you build a resume, find a job, or explore career options. Check out the Career Services Website for more information or to make an appointment with a career counselor.

The COSAM Advising Center also offers career advice for all students in the college. Visit the COSAM Advising Website or call (805) 756-2615 to make an appointment.

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