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Statistics Department Newsletter 2024

Featured Articles

Students strike silly poses in front of competition sign with their team name on it.

Stats Students Improve Meal Service Tracking for Local Nonprofit

Research team collaborates with charitable organization dedicated to helping unhoused community members.

Andrew Schaffner

Letter from the Chair

Andrew Schaffner highlights new faculty and staff, as well as important new programs and facilities.

Read Andrew's letter ›

Statistics students at the DataFest

DataFest Held in Person

Students had 48 hours to tackle a complex data set challenge. The 2024 event was the first to be held in person at Cal Poly.

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Cal Poly students with research poster

Capstone Team Uses Data Skills to Combat Human Trafficking

A data science team partnered with Global Emancipation Network to develop a powerful new network to assess data and help agencies and law enforcement find illicit operations.

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Statistics students in donor funded facility

Impact Through Giving

Donor funds augment construction of a new studio computing classroom space being relocated on campus. Here’s what’s happening to provide resources critical to student success.

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More News


Statistics alumni wedding

Alumni Updates

Read about life and career updates and photos from multiple generations of Statistics alumni.

Catch up on what your classmates are up to ›



Soma Roy and family

Faculty Updates

Statistics faculty share authorship, teaching and life updates, as well as the joy for teaching at Cal Poly.

Find out what faculty have been up to ›

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