Julia Schedler
Julia Schedler, Assistant Professor
Email: jschedle@calpoly.edu
Phone: (805) 756-5877
Office: 25-212
- Ph.D. Statistics, Rice University
- M.A. Statistics, Rice University
- B.S. Statistics and Pure Mathematics, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Research Interests
- Wastewater epidemiology
- Application of Spatial, Temporal, and Spatio-temporal models to environmental, public health, and epidemiological problems
- Specification of spatial weight matrices
- Sonification/Audiation of statistical graphics
- Reproducible research life cycle
Professional Distinctions
- Secretary/Treasurer, Government Statistics Section, 2025-2026
Personal Interests
- Knitting and crochet
- Music/Music Theory
- Cooking and baking
- California native plants and wildlife
- The Moon