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Cross Disciplinary Studies Minor in Data Science

What is the Cross Disciplinary Studies Minor in Data Science?

Through an inter‐college collaboration, the Computer Science and Statistics departments offer a cross‐disciplinary minor in Data Science — a rapidly evolving discipline that uses elements of statistics and computer science to gather, organize, summarize, and communicate information from a variety of data sources and data types. Job opportunities for data scientists are growing as the availability of data becomes ever abundant via the internet, consumer transactions, sensor arrays, medical records, embedded biometrics, bionformatics, etc.

The CDSM provides an opportunity for both statistics and computer science students to complement their major training with foundational skills for data science. Statistics majors will acquire essential programming, database, distributed computing, and data mining skills from the Computer Science Department while computer science majors will acquire essential probability, regression modeling, statistical programming, and multivariate analysis skills from the Statistics Department.

Minor Advising

Dr. Hunter Glanz is the advisor for Statistics majors pursuing the CDSM in Data Science and Dr. Jonathan Ventura is the advisor for Computer Science majors pursuing the CDSM in Data Science. The CDSM in Data Science is optimized for Statistics and Computer Science students so that they may pursue the program without an undue burden of excessive units. Other majors interested in pursuing the CDSM should contact Dr. Hunter Glanz to better understand the possible impacts on timely graduation.

Please note that you must successfully complete DATA 301 with a B- or better grade before applying for the minor.

Minor Description and Requirements

Use the link below to see the current catalog requirements for the CDSM in Data Science

Minor Application

If you would like to submit a CDSM in Data Science Minor Application follow the steps below. Your application will be sent electronically via Adobe Sign for review.

  1. Submit an online Data Science Minor Application
  2. Send Minor Advisor, Hunter Glanz, an email to schedule a time to discuss your application.

If approved, your name will be added to the CDSM in Data Science minor email list and your application will be forwarded to the Registrar's Office for processing. Please allow up to 6-8 weeks for your minor to be posted to your student portal.

Data Science Club

The Cal Poly Data Science Club aims to increase student engagement in the field of data science through informative talks at general meetings, corporate networking events, learning workshops, and project workshops. For more information about the club please email


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