Website Update

MERLOT award, University of Minnesota and More

By Professor Beth Chance

Beth Chance and FamilyI enjoyed a "stay-batical,” spending most of my time this year in San Luis Obispo.  This enabled me to work closely with Drs. Roy and McGaughey redeveloping some lab assignments for Stat 217.  It was definitely more fun to be in the classroom as a TA than the teacher!  I enjoyed updating the applets, learning some new tricks, and seeing them in action.  

Our applets won a MERLOT award for online resources, and Dr. Rossman and I will be attending the MERLOT conference in San Jose this summer.

I attended a lot more conferences this year in general and took a few quick trips to visit colleagues at the University of Minnesota and North Carolina State University.  Back to wishing we had a few more flights out of SLO!

I also had the pleasure of "team teaching" an online course on how to become a teacher of statistics through the University of Minnesota.  Hopefully this experience will help me in offering our first fully online Stat 217 course this summer.  This sabbatical also gave me the chance to do a few new things, like taking some Spanish courses and traveling to Peru for "homework!"  Now I just need to get prepared for my son Ben to start kindergarten in the fall - how'd that happen?

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